Greetings Grilli Family Members!
One day Anna (Scarpa) Perry thought she would research the Grilli family tree so she gave it a try without much success. Several years later, she started again, this time with purpose and more determination than you can imagine. The results of her work (and many others) are contained on these pages. Before you look into the information on this site, please be aware that it is a work in progress. Many changes/additions need to be made and I am in the process of figuring out the best way of getting that accomplished. Data was collected from many and varied sources. The recounting of stories, collecting the information, and copying it a number of times may have resulted in a few errors here and there. In fact I am sure that there are a number of things that need correcting. This is where you come in. Please read the stories, look at the pictures, and make note of anything you see that is not correct. There have been a number of additions to our family through births and marriages since this project first started in the 1990’s. Sadly, we have also lost many family members over the years and that information may not be updated yet. That being said, please email me any corrections that need to be made and any updates you have, that I do not. I would like to have as much of the following information as possible:
First, Middle and Last names
Birth, death, and marriage/divorce dates---- dd/mm/yyyy
Locations of birth, death etc. would be nice too.
Stories and anecdotes that have been passed down through the generations are also welcome, as are comments and suggestions. Please send all correspondence to:
Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little. This site is an attempt to record what has been learned about our family history. In these modern times, families tend to be scattered all over the country, if not the world. One of the goals of this site is to help our family stay connected even though some of us live far apart.
This is a story of the Grilli family that has been held together by love and strong faith. Contained in this site are stories, photographs, and facts about this proud family.
This compilation of information is about our ancestors and it tries to show where we began and why we are here. So, enjoy reading the stories and be proud of these people who took many chances to improve their lot in life by facing the rigors and unknowns of the new world.
Some photographs provide scenes from some of the original family locations in Italy. Places we may have heard being referred to by our parents, uncles, aunts or others. There is also a family tree made up of old photographs showing the faces of our ancestors. They are a part of us, pieces of our puzzle, if you will. Study the pictures closely. You may see someone you know in the faces from the may see yourself. Be proud of having descended from a Grilli!
For each and every one who contributed and will contribute any information, photos, time etc., thank you.
Susan T. (Perry) Tatarsky
Thank you!